Getting connected is an important part of church life and we believe that there are three points of connection:


And the key to success is YOU!

It takes you making a decision to get involved in all three of these areas where connections take place.

  • Connection Point #1: Worship

    Worshiping God in spirit and in truth is an important part of every believer's life. Our desire at Grace is to help you on your journey to discovering God in a way that empowers your worship of Him.  We want to see lives transformed by God through worship.

  • Connection Point #2: Growth Groups

    Growing in Christ is essential in the life of every believer. We believe that growth groups provide a perfect environment for accomplishing this. Fellowship, discipleship, and prayer all play a vital role in our growth groups. We encourage every member of the Grace Family to be involved with at least one growth group.

  • Connection Point #3: Ministry

    God has given each one of us a SHAPE (Spiritual Gift, Heart (Passion), Abilities, Personality, and Experiences) for ministry. It is important for us to know our SHAPE and how to use it for His glory.  Our desire at Grace is to help you discover your SHAPE and where you can best use it. We encourage every member of the Grace Family to be involved in at least one ministry at Grace.